HeadOver Heels for Caring Sustainability™ mission is to help in the co-creation of communities that promote graceful, ecologically balanced lives through personal well-being. Through caring leadership, we work to build synergy and trust with others. By listening deeply, and by virtue of respect, we connect with the harmony in all of nature. We are a non-profit that fosters a sustainable future striving to lead communities to embrace social justice through the lenses of Caring Sustainability and earth-based practices. We continuously learn and grow by building and nurturing community relationships that contribute to social and environmental health.
HeadOver Heels provides innovative ways through collaboration for those who seek to be change-makers, transformers, and leaders for today and the future. We offer more than ten years of experience in collaborative education and leadership, and over forty years in earth-based ways of knowing.
Our Focus
Conference Sponsorship
Caring Sustainability
Social Justice
Earth-Based Ways of Knowing

Caring Sustainability
Without caring, sustainability is not possible. HeadOver Heels intends to provide workshops, webinars, and resources to people interested in sustainability through a caring science lens.
Leadership through storytelling can reconnect us to ourselves, our cultural background, and our ancestral roots. These elements engage our senses and can connect us to others. It inspires us to listen to and understand the many voices of our communities. Now is the time to reimagine a more balanced and egalitarian world, creating leaders of today and tomorrow.
Social Justice
In these uncertain times, HeadOver Heels believes that communities must have the courage to meet each other where they are. To think about social justice in the future, we must carefully consider the issues our society faces today. There must be an element of social justice in all that is taught, learned, and done.
Earth-Based Ways of Knowing
HeadOver Heels adheres to a deep connection with the earth. Earth-based ways of knowing provide a perspective rarely taken by networks. We encourage our participants to trust their personal lived experiences and to engage in both rational and non-rational ways of thinking. Often, the drum’s heartbeat allows individuals to understand that both reality and vision are possible.

Transformation, Refection, Enlightenment, Education, Sustainability
The TREES acronym—Transformation, Reflection, Enlightenment, Education, and
Sustainability—embodies the heart of our work, weaving together personal growth,
collective wisdom, and regenerative leadership. Transformation speaks to the ever-
evolving nature of leadership and healing, where change is nurtured organically rather
than imposed. Reflection invites deep introspection, honoring the lived experiences that
shape our understanding of the world. Enlightenment is the unfolding awareness that
emerges when we embrace knowledge and intuition, allowing new perspectives to take
root. Education is the foundation, bridging theory and practice, ensuring that learning is
not just an individual pursuit but a communal exchange. Finally, Sustainability reminds
us that our work must extend beyond the moment—cultivating enduring practices that
honor interconnectedness, resilience, and the sacred responsibility of care. TREES is
not just an acronym but a living, breathing philosophy that grounds our writing,
leadership, and commitment to a more conscious and compassionate world.
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